Friday, November 8

09:05- 10:05 Session 1
Mass spectrometry in the clinical laboratory – What is it about?
Moderator: Hubert Vesper

Presentation Title: Starting with the Basics: How Does Mass Spectrometry Work
Speaker: William (Bill) Clarke

Presentation Title: When and how to make the transition from conventional technology towards mass spectrometry
Speaker: Brian Keevil

10:35- 11:50 Session 2

LC-MS/MS in TDM – Addressing new clinical needs fast
Moderator: Christoph Seger
Presentation Title: Measurement of CFTR modulators in Cystic Fibrosis
Speaker: Katharina Habler

Presentation Title: TDM of immunosuppressive drugs in organ transplant patients by LC-MS/MS
Speaker: Christoph Seger

12:00- 13:15 Session 3
LC-MS/MS applications in Endocrinology – Improving the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases
Moderator: Uta Ceglarek

Presentation Title: The use of mass spectrometry in clinical medicine: an example from endocrinology
Speaker: Constantine Stratakis

Presentation Title: Enhancing primary Newborn Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with LC-MS³ methodology
Speaker: Alexander Gaudl

15:30- 16:45 Session 4
Ensuring the quality of measurements for mass spectrometry assays – is there anything special?
Moderators: Christa Cobbaert, Alex. Haliassos

Presentation Title: Quality systems for commercial and lab developed mass spec tests – Is there a difference?
Speaker: Michael Vogeser

Presentation Title: Guidelines for implementation and use of mass spectrometry in laboratory medicine
Speaker: Brian Rappold

Presentation Title: EQA and formal standardization programs – Tools and services available to laboratories to improve and maintain quality testing
Speaker: Hubert Vesper

Saturday, November 9

09:00- 10:15 Session 5
Mass spectrometry as a new tool in the laboratory portfolio – Is it value for money?
Moderators: Kostantinos Makris, Hubert Vesper

Presentation Title: The laboratory viewpoint
Speaker: Uta Ceglarek

Presentation Title: The IVD-industry viewpoint
Speaker: Elie Fux

Presentation Title: Mass spectrometry as a new tool in the laboratory portfolio – Is it value for money? An Endocrinologist’s viewpoint
Speaker: Andrew Margioris

Presentation Title: The IFCC SD viewpoint
Speaker: Christa Cobbaert

Session 6
Clinical mass spectrometry – beyond small molecules: Quo Vadis?

Moderator: Christa Cobbaert
Presentation Title: Lipidomics biomarker discovery – the Ceramide Case study
Speaker: Anne Bendt

Presentation Title: Towards an MS-based reference measurement procedure for cardiac troponin
Speaker: Claudia Swart

Presentation Title: Demonstrating Clinical Performance and Clinical Effectiveness of a multi plex serum Apolipoprotein Panel in the Odyssey  Outcomes Trial.
Speaker: Christa Cobbaert

12:30- 13:10 Oral Presentations
Moderators: Evgenia Konsta, Panagiota Spyropoulou

Sunday November 10

09.00-09.50 Oral presentations
Moderators: Irini Leimoni, Marilena Stamouli

10:00-11:00 Symposium on Mass Spectrometry applications
Moderators: Christos Tsatsanis, George Koutsodontis

Presentation Title: Multi-omics for the identification of biomarkers for Coronary Artery disease
Speaker: Paolo Magni, Thomas Matulli

Presentation Title: Untargeted proteomics for identification of biomarkers
Speaker: Martina Samiotaki

11:30-12:30 Symposium on Mass Spectrometry
Moderators: Maria Venychaki, Alexandros Haliassos
Presentation Title: The role of Mass Spectrometry in the measurement of vitamins and their
metabolites (focus on vitamin D metabolites)
Speaker: Markus Herrmann
Presentation Title: Services provided by a Metrology Laboratory relevant to Laboratory Medicine
Speaker: Elias Kakoulidis

14:30-15:30 Cardiovascular Disease biomarkers
Moderators: Christos Kroupis, Nikos Galiatsatos
Presentation Title: Hypertriglyceridemia, what should we do in clinical practice?
Speaker: Kalliopi Grigoriou
Presentation Title: Lp(a), laboratory analysis, reliability of measurement methods, interferences,
errors, new methods.
Speaker: Georgia Konisti
Presentation Title: The role of Lp(a) in the pathophysiology of aortic stenosis and cardiovascular
Speaker: Charalambos Papastamos
Presentation Title: Lp(a) and cardiovascular disease, evidence from clinical studies.
Speaker: Spyridon Simantiris
Presentation Title: Management of the patient with elevated Lp(a): current practice and novel therapeutic approaches
Speaker: Ioannis Andrikou

15:30-16:30 EQA in clinical laboratories
Moderators: Maria Trapali, Alexander Haliassos
Presentation Title: The Utility of Horizontal Guidelines for the Assessment of Clinical Laboratories
Speaker: Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
Presentation Title: Artificial intelligence in External Quality Assessment – Proficiency Testing schemes (EQA-PT) in Laboratory Medicine
Speaker: Serafeim Karathanos